Long kept secret, the ancient Taoist practices for women are now available to us all.
They invite us to gently and respectfully reconnect with our bodies, our breasts, our vulva and our internal genitalia. They teach us how to set in motion the powerful energy that lies dormant in each of us and circulate it throughout our bodies, while remaining in touch with our heart. Certified in 2009 by Taoist Master Mantak Chia as a Universal Healing Tao® instructor, I have since been sharing these techniques in the form of private sessions (face-to-face or virtual), courses, week-long retreats and programs over a whole year. Today I offer transmissions in private or in small groups, content on demand and made-to-measure. Today I offer these transmission only through Zoom. |
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The ancient Taoists were well versed in what they called the Arts of the Bedroom and developed a series of practices for the couple, as much for physical health as for spiritual development.
Once a man and a woman have learned to master their sexual energy and circulate it within their own bodies, they can generate an energy circuit between them. By doing so, they can begin to depolarize their energy field and touch the Divine directly. Today I offer these transmission only through Zoom. |
To move from exploring sexuality to mastering, together, your sexual energy in connection with your heart, I invite you into for private session online.